
Our BenefisCU Members

BenefisCU credit unions are located nationwide. Contact us to become a part of our innovative solutions and Go Beyond Insurance.


Meet the Team

  1. Kerry Wahlen

    Goldenwest Credit Union

  2. Dale Edwards


  3. Alexandria Staron


  4. Jessica Blodgett


  5. H. David Wright


  6. Christina Henry



BenefisCU expertise and resources are provided by the team at TriscendNP.

Meet the Board

  1. Sara Dolan

    Reseda Group

  2. Brian Schmitt

    American Heritage Federal Credit Union

  3. Dennis Dollar

    Dollar Associates, LLC

  4. Jack Biggs

    Desert Financial Credit Union

  5. Joe Newberry

    Redstone Federal Credit Union

  6. Kerry Wahlen

    Goldenwest Credit Union

  7. Mark Zook

    Maps Credit Union

  8. Rhonda Pavlicek

    University Federal Credit Union

  9. Steph Sherrodd

    Sunward Credit Union

  10. Ron Neumann

    Oregon Community Credit Union

Our Partners

  • Altra Federal Credit Union
  • American Heritage Federal Credit Union
  • Desert Financial Credit Union
  • Dollar Associates, LLC
  • First Service Credit Union
  • Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union
  • Goldenwest Credit Union
  • Maps Credit Union
  • MAX Credit Union
  • Michigan State University
  • Mountain America Federal Credit Union
  • Oregon Community Credit Union
  • Reseda Group
  • Redstone Federal Credit Union
  • Sunward Credit Union
  • University Federal Credit Union

What can a BenefisCU Membership do for you?

BenefisCU products and services offer a substantial opportunity to enhance ROA, are synergistic with a credit union’s core business and offer many benefits to members. Whether you are an equity member or associate member, our goals remain the same with each BenefisCU membership.

  • Further the Credit Union’s stated purpose
  • Compliment existing services and deepen member relationships
  • Enhance the member experience
  • Protect lending opportunities